Tuesday, August 11, 2009


They say you can tell a lot about who by you hang out with. Well if that's true, I probably have a lot of explaining to do.

You see, I have all different types of friends.

I have tall friends.
I have small friends.
I have marine friends.
I have 'I'm in grad-school and I'm a wanna-be real doctor' friends.
I have apple-poster child friends. (He'll pobably read this on his Iphone while he's in Cali sipping a chai-tea latte)
I have Kenny Chesney-loving country friends. (KENNNYYY CHESNAYYYY)
I have bad-driver friends.
I have recently of age friends.
I have New York friends. (Ughh NY, yes I know.)
I have Pittsburgh-I-call-soda-"pop" friends.
I have DZ friends. (And practically DZ friends **cough-cough** Lauren)
I have New Jersey friends.
I have New York Yankee Loving Lebanese friends.
I have crazy ROTC friends.

I have all kinds of friends. So many that I don't even have enough time on here to go through them all.

I'm lucky.

But one thing is for sure is that you all have played a great deal in making me the person that I am. I know it's kind of a serious subject to kind of start off for a blog that's meant to entertain, but thanks.

I think it's very fitting for me to make this first post about you. (collectively)

Thanks for making me who I am.

Thanks for the 3am advice, the rides home, the ipod I'm currently leasing, the cookies you baked, the bathroom that you clean all the time, the lessons I've learned, the time you helped me find my keys, the OPORD that needed to be out the next morning, and the book you let me borrow. Thanks for everything guys.

And for those of you lucky ducks who didn't get a picture, don't worry...I'll make sure I thank you when I see you and trust me, theres plenty of time for me to blog about you!

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