Monday, July 19, 2010

You can pick your friends....

So I have a few minutes to write a few quick lines before I hit the rack for some much needed sleep down here at Knox. You never really know how important your friends are in your life until they're hundreds if not thousands of miles away. Homesick much?...not really. I'm not one to get sappy and emotionally attached...

but I will be the first one to tell you how much I truly appreciate my friends.

Let's be clear that there is an inherent difference between those that you associate with and those whom you choose to call friends. Sometimes you spend time with people because you have to. You work with them, you live with them or sometimes they're just people you have to deal with in your daily life.

Your friends however are the people that you can always trust. You can trust them to tell you how stupid that outfit looks but they'll still go out with you anyway. Your friends are the people who will stick with you through all the shit and be there and go man, that was crazy. Your friends are the ones in life who keep you grounded.

I've come to realize that your friends are really one of the few things in life that you can actually choose. You certainly don't get to pick your family, what color your hair is or even sometimes where you end up. But you do get to choose who you share your life experiences with and how you make the best of what's around.

I've had friends come and go over my 22 years here on this great earth. It's sad to think about but sometimes friendships have a tendency to slip through the cracks of the broken sidewalks and others come and go in a hastier manner than a summer breeze but still some have been around since the opening act...been there with you learning to read books in kindergarten. Others you may have met in college trying to figure out how to read girls. And others you may have met only a few weeks ago but you know you would trust your life with.

Just a quick shout-out to my everywhere in between.

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